Dear Christians,

May the peace of the Lord be with you.
As part of shaping the future of our Parish & Shrine, the Parish Priest and the Parish Council through a select committee is in the process of drafting a six years strategic plan that will see the actualization of our Shrine. To this end, we would like to get your input as the key stakeholders. Here below you will find a series of questions that will guide you in providing your responses. We call upon you to take time and discuss in your various groups and provide one common response. Individuals who do not belong
to any group are also welcome to provide their input. This should be provided to us not later than Sunday the 26th June 2022. All feedback in hardcopies should be submitted to the parish office. We shall also provide an online form where such input can be provided for those who wish to use such a platform.

Key Objectives and proposed questions

Objective 1: Strengthen relevant programs for spiritual growth.

Proposed questions

Do you think our parish has adequate spiritual growth initiatives (eg. Recollections, workshops etc)? What improvements would you propose?
a) Do you think as a Parish we have adequate bible study sessions?
b) If not, suggest three ways in which we can improve on Bible study in our Parish.
a) Do you think the Christians in our Church participate actively during Holy Mass celebration?
b) If not, propose two ways the Church can ensure more active participation by the congregation during Holy Mass celebration.

Objective 2: Expand the physical space for implementation of an enhanced master plan.
Proposed questions
a. Which facilities do you think are critical and should be included in the master plan to address the needs of the shrine, including youth and children?
b. What type of landscaping, vegetation and fencing would you propose for the shrine?
c. What type of parking would you recommend (multipurpose/underground/other)
Objective 3: Promote family values and inclusion of diverse vocations.

Proposed questions
i) Do you feel that the programmes the church has in place support your family spiritually? a) If yes, explain
b) If not, in what ways would you like to be spiritually supported by the Church?
ii) a) Please suggest measures and programmes that the church can put in place to support people living with disabilities?
b) Suggest how these programmes can be integrated into the other Church programs
iii) . How can the parish integrate all its members regardless of their family background, to take part in church activities and to have a sense of community/belonging?
vi) How can technology be used to promote integrated family programs in the Church
Objective 4: Empowering the youth through holistic programs.
Proposed questions
a) Name the growth areas that our shrine should focus on to empower our youth holistically.
b) Name some of the activities and programs that the shrine can organize to address the above growth areas
c) d) e)
Which challenges affect our youth today?
How can the Church assist in addressing these challenges? Which media should the Church adopt to reach the youth?
Objective 5: Enhance Men’s active participation in the Church.
Proposed questions
a) What do you think limits men’s participation in church activities?
b) What can be done to reduce the limitations in (a) above?
c) In your view how can the church promote mental & physical wellness of men?
d) How can the church participate in the economic empowerment of its community?
Objective 6: Increase media visibility

Proposed questions
a.) What do you like about communication through various media in our church?
b.) Which areas of communication should be improved in our Church?
c.) What is your feedback on the live streaming of Sunday Mass?
d.) what kind of information would you like to see on our social media platforms and website?
e.) Which mode of communication would you propose to reach Parishioners and other members of the society within and across borders?

You can send your answers via your SCC group chair or special group chair or  submit them to the parish office.