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POSITION TITLE: Parish Accountant
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
Working closely with the Parish Finance Committee (PFC) Chair and the Parish Priest to support in the
administration of Parish Financial Resources.
✓ Prepare adequate accruals for all unpaid invoices of a particular month and make releases once payment
has been affected. Ensure all accruals are reconciled to the general ledger on a monthly basis.
✓ Respond to vendor inquiries and reconcile vendor statements.
✓ Make reconciliations of prepayments, provisions and staff advances and submit schedules within the
required time.
✓ In consultation with Parish Finance Chair, maintain updated cashbook(s) for reference before any
payments are processed.
✓ Prepare monthly bank reconciliations for all parish accounts.
✓ Ensure timely posting of all non-current Assets into the accounting software and issuing of Local
Purchase Orders
✓ Prepare billing instructions for clients for the delivery of services.
✓ Responsible for Issuing of Proforma invoices and all claims on a timely basis and ensure they have gone
through the relevant approval process and within agreed service levels and ensure they are duly recorded
in the correct entity.
✓ Regular updates of income stream through account reconciliation of project accounts; company
expenditure, income etc.
✓ Verification and filing of all documents related to accounts receivable in the finance department.
✓ Ensure that tax is correctly accounted for on all payments in accordance with the Income Tax Act and
provide suppliers with their Withholding Tax (WHT) certificates on a timely basis.
✓ Regular issuing of updated monthly financial reports.
✓ Propose and document standard operational procedures.
✓ Initiation of transactions in the Smart Parish system for approval
✓ Implement and train staff on use of Smart Parish System
✓ Track implementation of the annual parish budget and the strategic plan
✓ Introduce controls in the running of all parish projects and ventures including but not limited to water
billing and payment, book sales, pledge tracking, offertory reporting among others.
✓ Proper filing & organizing of all documents pertaining to the above tasks for ease of retrieval.




  1. Our Bishop through the office of the Catechist Coordinator is making an appeal for a second collection to help the Diocese in supporting Catechist working in hardship areas and those undergoing training.
  2. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotion group holds a night vigil at the Adoration Chapel every 1st Friday of the month. Mass is usually around 9pm on Friday and 6.30am on Saturday morning. The parishioners are welcome to join them this coming Friday 4/8/2023.
  3. This coming Saturday (5/08/2023), being the first Saturday of the month it will be a parish day recollection from 9am. All persons elected as liturgy representatives in Jumuiyas and all parishioners are welcome. There will be no morning Mass that day.
  4. Today Josil Ushindi (Singles church support group) will have their monthly meeting upstairs after the second Mass.New members are invited to join.
  5. CMA will be holding their training today after this Mass at the Sunday school building.
  6. All Friends of SMA Acacia are invited for a meeting next Sunday 6th August 2023 immediately after 2nd Mass in church. Kindly keep time. Welcome all.
  7. The Parish chairman would like to meet all the chairpersons of Jumuiyas next Sunday after second Mass.


        Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                                    Next Sunday

    1st Mass: St. Jude                                              1st Mass: St. Timothy

    2nd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi                     2ndMass: St. Agnes



  1. Askofu wetu kupitia kwa ofisi ya Mratibu wa makatekista(Catechist Coordinator)anaomba tuwe na mchango wa pili kwa ajili ya kuwasaidia Makatekista wanaofanya kazi katika maeneo yenye shida na pia kuwasaidia wanaoendelea na mafunzo.
  2. Kikundi cha Sacred Heart Of Jesus Devotion hufanya mkesha wa usiku katika Adoration Chapel kila Ijumaa ya kwanza ya mwezi. Kesha hii huwa inaanza na Sakramenti ya kitumbio saa mbili na nusu jioni na kufuatiwa na Misa takatifu 9pm siku ya Ijumaa na kumalizia na Misa takatifu Jumamosi saa kumi na mbili asubuhi. Wakristo wote wanakaribishwa kujumuika nao Ijumaa tarehe 4/8/2023 kwa ajili ya maombi.
  3. Jumamosi ijayo (5/8/2023) ikiwa ni Jumamosi ya kwanza ya mwezi, ni siku ya maombi ya parokia(recollection) kuanzia saa tatu asubuhi (9.00am) hadi saa sita mchana (12:00 noon). Viongozi wote waliochanguliwa kuwakilisha litrogia katika Jumuia na pia wanaparokia wote wanakaribishwa.Hakutakuwa Misa ya asubuhi kama ilivyo kawaida.


  1. leo,Josil ushindi(singles church support group) watakuwa na mkutano wao wa kila mwezi pale kwa balcony baada ya Misa ya pili.Wanachama wapya wanakaribishwa kujiunga.


  1. Marafiki wa SMA watakuwa na mkutano Jumapili ijayo Tarehe 6/8/2023 baada ya Misa ya pili ndani ya kanisa.Marafiki wote wanaombwa kuhudhuria mkutano huu muhimu.


  1. Mwenyekiti wa Parokia angependa kukutana na wenyekiti wote wa Jumuiya Jumapili ijayo baada ya Misa ya pili.




         Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                                    Next Sunday

    1st Mass: St. Jude                                              1st Mass: St. Timothy

    2nd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi                     2ndMass: St. Agnes



15TH Announcement

15TH Announcement


  1. The procurement committee wishes to announce the start of the prequalification process for vendors who will offer services to the Parish for the years 2023/24. The process will be done in phases. The first phase is for services/goods frequently required by the parish. The list of services has been posted on the noticeboard and on the church website. Any vendors/suppliers interested in offering the services or supplying goods are required to download the requirements from the church website and submit the required information by 28th July 2023. For any clarification, please refer to the Parish office.
  2. Next Sunday, 23th July, we will have a second collection commonly known as Peter’s Pence. This collection will be send to Rome to aid the Pope in his missionary work. We are all kindly requested to come prepared for this.
  3. CMA monthly meeting/training has been postponed to 30/7/2023 after 1st Mass


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                                    Next Sunday

    1st Mass: St. Peter and Paul                          1st Mass: Our Lady of Fatima

    2nd Mass: SMA Friends                               2ndMass: St James the Great



15TH Announcement


Announcements 18/06/2023

  1. Next Sunday 25th June 2023 is SMA founders’ day which all over the world we request you to pray for us our founder and missions. We sincerely thank you for your continued prayers and support through the years May God Bless you families and your work. SMA Friends will animate Second Mass that day.
  2. Next Sunday, 25th father Thomas will be celebrating ten years of priesthood, we are requested to continue praying so that God strengthen him in the ministry.
  3. The youth will have a recollection on Sunday 25th June after the second Mass, the theme will be, “Overcoming Fear”. All the youth are encouraged to join this wonderful session.
  4. There will be a deanery youth Mass on Saturday 1st July at Namanga and our youth are planning to participate. Parents are kindly asked to allow their youth to participate.
  5. The youth have a project for selling cupcakes, kindly let’s support them
  6. All friends of SMA are encouraged to pass by the church entrance and have their shirts measurements taken by the tailor who is outside the church.
  7. Currently we are doing registration for infant baptism. Those parents who would like their infants to be baptized are invited to register through their Jumuiya’s.Virtual classes will start on Wednesday 21/06/2023 from 8pm in the evening.
  8. Fathers and friends of SMA sincerely thank all parishioners for their continued support. A priest from Lodwar has visited our parish today to appeal for mission support. We therefore invite parishioners for second collection and also return envelopes which were shared last Sunday.


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                      Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Gabriel                               1st Mass: St. Josemaria Escriva

2nd Mass: CWA                                       2nd Mass: SMA Friends


MATANGAZO 18/06/2023

  1. Jumapili ijayo tarehe 25/6/2023 tutasherekea siku ya mwanzilishi wa SMA kote ulimwenguni.Tunawashukuru kwa dhati wakristu wote kwa maombi na usaidizi wenu wa kifedha katika huduma ya Mungu.Tunawaombea kwa Mungu aendelee kuwabariki nyote kijumla,familia zenu na pia kazi zenu.Siku hii marafiki wa SMA watahudumu katika Misa ya pili.
  2. Jumapili ijayo Padre Thomas Otieno atasherekea miaka kumi tangu upadrisho wake,tunaombwa tuendelee kumuombea kwa Mungu ili amtie nguvu katika huduma yake.
  3. Vijana wetu watakuwa na siku ya maombi Jumapili ijayo baada ya Misa ya pili.Mada ya siku ni “overcoming fear”Hivyo basi vijana wote wamealikwa.
  4. Kutakuwa na Misa ya vijana ya Dekania tarehe 1/7/2023 uko Namanga na vijana wetu wamepanga kuhudhuria.Hivyo basi wazazi na walezi wanaombwa kuwaruhusu vijana kushiriki katika Misa hii.
  5. Vijana wetu wameanza mradi wa kuuza keki pale nje karibu na bookshop tafadali tunaombwa tuwaunge mkono kwa kununua keki hizi.
  6. Marafiki wa SMA wanaombwa kupitia pale nje kwenye hema baada ya Misa hii ili kupeana vipimo vyao kwa fundi wa nguo.
  7. Usajili wa ubatizo wa watoto wachanga bado unaendelea na kwa wale ambao bado hawasajili watoto wao wanaombwa kufanya hivo kupitia kwa jumuiya zao.Mafundisho yataanza Jumatano tarehe 21/6/2023 saa mbili jioni kupitia kwa mtandao.
  8. Mapadre na marafiki wa SMA wanawashukuru kwa dhati wanaparokia wote kwa usaidizi wao katika kazi ya kimishonari.Padre kutoka Lodwar amatutembelea leo kwa ajili ya kuomba usaidizi wetu kwa kazi ya mishonari.Hivyo basi tunaombwa tujongee mbele kwa mchango wa pili na pia kurejesha bahasha tulizopewa Jumapili iliyopita.


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                      Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Gabriel                                   1st Mass: St. Josemaria Escriva

2nd Mass: CWA                                            2nd Mass: SMA Friends




  1. Leo ni Jumapili ya fungu la kumi,kwa wakristo ambao wamejitayarisha na pia wale ambao wametuma fungu lao la kumi  kwa paybill ya kanisa  tunawaalika wajongee mbele kwa maombi na baraka.Tunapokuja mbele tunaombwa kuweka nia zetu pamoja na fungu la kumi tunalomtolea Mungu.Paybill ya kanisa ni 4042525 account Tithe.
  2. Leo, Kanisa linasherehekea Siku Kuu ya Mwili na Damu ya Kristo (Corpus Christi). Punde tu baada ya Misa hii, kutakuwa na ibada ya kumwabudu Bwana wetu Yesu Kristu, aliye hai katika Sakramenti Takatifu ya Ekaristi.
  3. Wakristo ambao waliacha kupokea  na hawako kwa ndoa na wangependa kurudi kupokea Sakramenti Takatifu, wanaombwa kuona Padre kwa ofisi siku na masaa ya kazi au, wapige simu kujadiliana na Padre siku ingine yeyote wanaweza kupatikana.
  4. Josil Ushindi group watakuwa na siku ya maombi Jumamosi ijayo tarehe 17/06/2023 kuanzia saa tatu asubuhi.
  5. Kikundi cha kina Baba (CMA) wanaalikwa kwa mafundisho yao Jumapili ijaya ya tarehe 18th June 2023 baada ya Misa ya kwanza
  6. Padre kutoka Lodwar atatembelea Parokia yetu Jumapili ijayo tarehe 18th Juni 2023. Kupongeza Wakristo kwa ukarimu ambao tumeonyesha   familia ya Lodwar na pia kuomba msaada ili aweze kuendelea kuhudumia wakristo wa Lodwar.  Wakristo wanakaribishwa kuchukua bahasha ambazo tutamkabidhi mgeni wetu Jumapili ijayo.
  7. Tumeanza usajili wa Watoto wachanga kwa ajili ya ubatizo. Wazazi wanaopenda Watoto wao wachanga wabatizwe wanaombwa kujiandikisha katika Jumuiya zao.

          Jumuiya service

            Jumapili Hii                                                               Jumapili Ijayo

1st Mass: St. Rita                                                      1st Mass: St. Gabriel

2nd Mass: St. Timothy                                              2nd Mass: CWA




  1. We thank the good Lord for our work and business. On this First Sunday of the month, we invite those who have their Tithe, and those who paid directly to the Bank and Pay bill, we also invite parishioners who have redeemed their pledges this month to come forward for prayers and blessings. The Church Pay bill Number is 4042525 Account tithe
  2. We would like to thank our Jumuiya members and Parishioners who have already returned their tetra packs with their Lenten Campaign contributions. We urge all the Jumuiya Chairpersons to ensure that the remaining tetra packs are submitted through their respective Jumuiya treasurers to the CJPD desk after Mass. Those who did not get tetra packs can still make their contributions through our Church Pay bill 4042525, Account No: “LENTEN”
  3. The YOUNG CHRISTIAN WORKERS (YCW) is a transitional group between the Youth and Catholic Women Association and the Catholic Men Association. The devotional group cordially invites all parishioners of age 25-40 to join the group. Renewal and registration of new members will be taking place after mass. For more information regarding the group, there are representatives of the group outside the church to assist you with all enquiries.
  4. Doctors from Equity Afia Kitengela Branch have visited our parish today to offer free medical camp, we are encouraged to pass by their tent for body check-ups and medical advice.
  5. The PMC registration is ongoing, all the parishioners are requested to register all children ages 3yrs to 13yrs. Registration fee is 100/= per child. Registration is ongoing outside the PMC classes Note: Parishioners with children below 3yrs are requested NOT to leave the children in PMC class unattended.
  1. Infant baptism registration is ongoing and parents are requested to register through their Jumuiyas.
  2. Senior youth from Cathedral Ngong have visited our youths today

Jumuiya service

1st Mass: St. Raphael                           1st Mass: St. Rita

2nd Mass: Senior youth                         2nd Mass: Timothy


Matangazo ya 4/06/2023

MATANGAZO: 04/06/2023

  1. Leo ni Jumapili ya fungu la kumi,kwa wakristo ambao wamejitayarisha na pia wale ambao wametuma fungu lao kwa paybill ya kanisa na pia wakristu ambao wamelipa ahadi zao mwezi huu tunawaalika wajongee mbele kwa maombi na Baraka.Tunapokuja mbele tunaombwa kuweka nia zetu pamoja na fungu la kumi tunalomtolea Mungu.Paybill ya kanisa ni 4042525 account
  2. Tunawashukuru kwa dati wakristu wote ambao wamerudisha tetrapacks zao pamoja na mchango wao wa kampeni ya kwaresma.Wenyekiti wa Jumuiya zote wanaomba wahakikishe kwamba tetrapacks ambazo bado zimebaki zimerudishwa kwa meza ya CJPD pale nje baada ya misa hii kupitia kwa mweka hazina wa Jumuiya.
  3. The YOUNG CHRISTIAN WORKERS (YCW) ni kikundi cha mpito kati ya Jumuiya ya Vijana na Wanawake Wakatoliki na Jumuiya ya Wanaume Wakatoliki. Kikundi hiki kinawaalika waumini wote walio kati ya miaka 25-40 kujiunga na kikundi.

Usajili wa wanachama wapya utafanyika baada ya misa hii. Kwa habari zaidi kuhusu kikundi, kuna wawakilishi wa kikundi nje ya kanisa kukusaidia kwa maswali yote.

  1. Waunguzi kutoka Equity Afia wametembelea Parokia yetu leo kutoa huduma za afya kwa wakristu wote.Tunaombwa tupitie kwenye hema yao pale nje kwa ajili ya kupata huduma za afya ya mwili
  2. Usajili wa PMC unaendelea wazazi/walezi wanaombwa kusajili watoto wao walio kati ya miaka tatu na kumi na tatu (3-13yrs) kwa shilingi 100/= Kule kwa njengo la Sunday school.

Wazazi na walezi walio na watoto chini ya miaka tatu wanaobwa wasiwache watoto hawa peke yao kwa Sunday school.

  1. Usajili wa ubatizo wa watoto wachanga umeanza,wazazi wanaombwa kuandikisha watoto wao kupitia kwa Jumuiya.
  2. Vijana kutoka Cathedral Ngong wametembelea Vijana wetu leo.


Jumuiya service

1st Mass: St. Raphael                        1st Mass: St. Rita

2nd Mass: Senior youth                    2nd Mass: Tomothy

Matangazo ya Siku Kuu ya Pentekoste,28/05/2023.


1.Wakristo ambao waliacha kupokea  na hawako kwa ndoa na wangetaka kuanza kupokea Sakramenti Takatifu, wanaombwa kuona Padre kwa ofisi siku na masaa ya kazi au, wapinge simu kujadiliana na Padre siku ingine yeyote wanaweza kupatikana.

2.Jumamosi ijayo (3/6/2023) ikiwa ni Jumamosi ya kwanza ya mwezi, ni siku ya maombi(recollection) kuanzia saa tatu asubuhi (9.00am) hadi saa sita mchana (12:00 noon). Hakutakuwa Misa ya asubuhi kama ilivyo kawaida.

3.Alhamisi tarehe moja June (1st June) ambayo Wakenya watasherehekea  Madaraka day, Misa itaanza saa tatu asubuhi (09.00am).

4.Jumapili ijayo tarehe nne June (4th June) vijana kutoka Ngong Cathedral Plan watatembelea kanisa yetu ili wawe na kikao maalum pamoja na vijana wetu. Vijana wote wanahimizwa kuhudhuria siku hiyo.

5.Kikundi cha Josil Ushindi (Singles Church Support) wanakubushwa mkutano wao baada ya hii Misa. Wakristo ambao ni single na wangetaka kujiunga na kikundi hiki wamekaribishwa.

6.Jumapili ijayo tarehe 4/6/2023 wahudumu kutoka hospitali ya Equity Afia, watatembelea kanisa letu kupeana vipimo tofauti tofauti kwa bei nafuu. Wakristo wanaombwa kuchukua fursa hii kujua hali ya afya yao.

7.Jumuiya service

1st Mass: St. Joseph the Worker                              1st Mass: St. Raphael

2nd Mass: St. Padre Pio                                               2nd Mass: Senior Youth


8. Matangazo ya PFC