1. We request parishioners whose children received Holy Communion during Easter and those parishioners who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation to register at the parish office immediately after this Mass. The commencement date for classes will be announced next Sunday.

  2. Those parishioners who stopped receiving Holy Communion, and would now wish to start receiving Holy Communion, are requested to meet the parish priest to discuss that possibility.

  3. Fr Ben is requesting to meet all men next Sunday immediately after the second Mass.

  4. We will celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) next Sunday. The Second Mass will be followed immediately with a one-hour adoration of the Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament.

  5. Saturday, 1st June is a public holiday Holy Mass will start at 9am.

Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Jude                                        1st Mass: St. Josemaria Escriva

          2nd Mass: St. Rita                                        2nd Mass: St. James the Great




  1. We request parishioners whose children received Holy Communion during Easter and those parishioners who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation to register at the parish office immediately after this Mass. The commencement date for classes will be announced next Sunday.
  2. Those parishioners who stopped receiving Holy Communion, and would now wish to start receiving Holy Communion, are requested to meet the parish priest to discuss that possibility.
  3. The senior youth will be having a meeting after the second mass that will highlight on requirements for their hike on the 25th of May this coming Saturday. All guardians are requested to let them attend this meeting since it is very important especially to those attending the hike.
  4. The Opus Dei Recollection comes up next Saturday. The ladies Recollection begins at 9am while the men’s Recollection starts at 2pm. There will be confession from 8am.
  5. We are invited for a second collection to congratulate the newly ordained priest Fr Tobias.



Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Francis of Assisi                           1st Mass: St. Jude

          2nd Mass: St. Timothy                                        2nd Mass: St. Rita







  1. Next Saturday 4th April our Bishop will be in our Parish and celebrate Holy Mass together with all children from our six Parishes in the Deanery of Kajiado. For proper planning, we request parents to register their children with Ksh 350 at the PMC desk outside the church main entrance. Thank you and God bless you.
  2. Deacon Moses is winding up his training and will be leaving to return home to prepare for his Priestly Ordination. There will be a thanksgiving Mass next Sunday 5th May. Jumuiyas and Church Groups are requested to come with a gift for him. Please let’s come prepared and give thanks to our Deacon for his good services to our Parish.
  3. On 11th may our Parish will host the SMA Ordinations.5 seminarians will be ordained as Deacons, and 1 Deacon who is currently serving at St Monica will be ordained a Priest. This is a big day for our Parish. Let us all purpose to come and witness and pray for these young men as they give their lives to the service of God.
  4. Let’s invite Eric Mutua to make an appeal to the parishioners for his hospital bills

Jumuiya service                                Today Next Sunday

1 st Mass: St. Raphael                        1 st Mass: St. Mary

2 nd Mass: Our lady of Fatima         2 nd Mass: Friends of SMA




  1. Tithe Blessing: We thank God for our jobs and businesses and invite those who have prepared their tithe or made direct payments to the bank or church paybill to come forward for prayers and blessing. As we offer our work and business to God, pronounce a prayer over your offering.
  2. Registration for New Catechumens: Registration for new catechumens class for Baptism and First Holy Communion begins today. Parents with children in grade 4 are to register in the Catechist’s Office.
  3. Readmission to Sacrament: Adults who used to receive Holy Communion and stopped, and are not under any Canonical impediment, are to see the Parish Priest to begin the process of readmission to the Sacrament.
  4. Welfare Acacia Fund: All members of the welfare Acacia fund are required to bring the membership books to Noonkopir parish office on or before March 20th, 2024, for reconciliation. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
  5. Kitengela Community Run: The Parish Priest, the Parish council, and parishioners of St. Monica Catholic Church invite you to the inaugural Kitengela Community Run on April 27th, 2027. The theme is “Towards a healthy, peaceful, and cohesive society.” Proceeds will go towards projects paving the way to pay up the loan for the land. Registration fee: KSHS 1,000 for adults and KSHS 500 for children. Mpesa Paybill number: 400222, Account number: 472040#Run. May God bless you as you partake in this noble cause. We invite a CJPD representative to make remarks on the Week 4 topic of the 2024 Lenten campaign.

Jumuiya Service

  • Today:
    • 1st Mass: St. Veronica
    • 2nd Mass: St. Gabriel
  • Next Sunday:
    • 1st Mass: St. Bhakita
    • 2nd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi



  1. Lenten Retreat: There will be a Lenten retreat in our parish from Monday, March 18th, to Friday, March 22nd, 2024, to prepare us for Easter celebrations. The program layout for the retreat is as follows:
    • Consultation: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
    • Adoration & Confession: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
    • Mass & Spiritual Talk: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
    • Healing Mass: Friday, March 22nd, 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm. There will be no morning Mass during the week.
  2. Registration for New Catechumens: Registration for new catechumens class for Baptism and First Holy Communion begins today. Parents with children in grade 4 are to register in the Parish Office.
  3. YCW Formation and Training: Young Catholic Workers (YCW) formation and training will officially start on April 7th, 2024, as earlier communicated. Parishioners who are eligible members and would like to go through sessions are encouraged to register at the Parish office.
  4. Youth Hike to Kilimambogo: The youth will have a hike to Kilimambogo on April 27th. Charges are 2,000/= to cater for transport and lunch. All parents are requested to register their youths.
  5. Opus Dei Recollection: The Opus Dei Recollection comes up next Saturday. The ladies’ Recollection begins at 9:00 am while the men’s Recollection starts at 2:00 pm. There will be confession from 8:00 am. We invite a CJPD representative to make some remarks on Week 5 topic of the 2024 Lenten campaign.

Jumuiya Service

  • Today:
    • 1st Mass: St. Bakhita
    • 2nd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi
  • Next Sunday:
    • 1st Mass: St. Joseph the Worker
    • 2nd Mass: CWA
INTEGRITY FOR A JUST NATION: 2024 Lenten Campaign Booklet

INTEGRITY FOR A JUST NATION: 2024 Lenten Campaign Booklet

Lent is a time when we pause to reflect, pray, fast, repent and be charitable. Our merciful God is always present to show us his everlasting love through reconciliation with self, with others and with creation. As the Catholic Church, this is a special time which also reminds us that we are mortal beings.

This Lenten season occurs at a historical moment when the Universal Church is focused on strengthening itself as a Synodal Church. The spirit of Synodality is one in which we journey together as one community, actively participating in the life and mission of our call to be witnesses of the risen Christ. The Synodality journey is one in which we are privileged to be missionaries who bring the Good News of the Lord to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). We are, therefore, invited to continue praying for this process of Synodality to be a moment of conversion towards making our Church Christ-centred in what we do and in whom we are as children of God. The Lenten reflections this year touch the core of our Christian faith: care for the poor. The Church in her teaching, practice and prayers places the poor at the heart of her mission.

This year’s theme, Integrity for a Just Nation, focuses on using our integrity to build a culture of justice in Kenya. A just nation is only possible if the citizens are people of integrity. The invitation, therefore, is to reflect on our journey of faith as the baptised people of God who should live with integrity to build a just nation. This Lenten season places responsibility at our doorstep: conducting ourselves with integrity. As moral beings, we have to go forth and fight for justice for the poor.

There are many causes which as Christians we are called to fight for. However, Mother Church says there is only one choice to make over the poor; the preferential option for the poor. Who are the poor we must attend to? In the Old Testament, widows and orphans are often mentioned as vulnerable members of society. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pronounces: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” He illustrates the consequences of neglecting the poor in the parable about a rich man and a poor beggar named Lazarus. Numerous passages in the prophetic books condemn the oppression of the poor and call for justice. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus

Click here to download the English Booklet 

Click here to download the Kiswahili Booklet