Good afternoon Leaders, as a follow up to the brief highlight given by CJPD representatives during Mass today, kindly share the attached write up with your respective Jumuias and church groups.

We urge you to spare a few minutes in your next meeting to come up with more suggestions that we can implement as a community to reverse the negative effects of climate change.

Have a blessed week ahead 🙏🏼

Simiyu – CJPD Chair










  1. Next Saturday, our Bishop, priests and Christians will converge in our Parish for the Deanery Luncheon. Mass begins at 10.30. We invite parishioners to attend Mass. Those who picked the cards are requested to kindly send their payments through the Church Paybill 4042525 Account Luncheon or at the Parish Office.
  2. John and Sylvia Education group will meet at the Balcony today immediately after second Mass.
  3. From next Sunday, the Priests and Deacon will be available for Holy Mass or Communion Service for our children. The Mass/Communion Service will begin at 9am, at the same time as the Second Mass. Parents and guardians are requested to cooperate.
  4. The CJPD has organized trainings that will be conducted for the next two months for new members. These will also serve as a refresher for existing members from Sunday, 24th Sept after second Mass at the Sunday school hall. All members are invited to attend.
  5. Our Parish was represented by CJPD on the Africa Climate Summit that took place from 4th to 6th Sep. We invite one of them to share with us the message from this Summit.


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                           Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Claire                                  1st Mass: St. Padre Pio

2nd Mass: St. Raphael                               2ndMass: Josil ushindi group


Jumamosi ijayo, Askofu wetu, mapadre na wakristo watajumuika katika Parokia yetu kwa Deanery luncheon. Misa takatifu itaanza saa 10.30am asubuhi. Wanaparokia wote wamealikwa  kuhudhuria Misa hii. Wakristo ambao walichukua kadi wanaombwa kutuma malipo Yao kupitia kwa Paybill ya kanisa 4042525 Account Luncheon au kwa Ofisi ya Parokia.

Kamati ya elimu ya parokia yetu watakuwa na mkutano leo baada ya Misa hii kwa balcony.

Kuanzia Jumapili ijayo, Mapadre na Shemasi watasherekea Misa Takatifu au Ibada  ya Komunyo kwa watoto wetu wa Sunday school. Ibada ya Misa/Komunyo itaanza saa tatu asubuhi .Ushirikiano wenu Wazazi na walezi unanaombwa. Mwenyekiti wa parokia yetu atakutana na wenyekiti wote wa jumuiya Jumapili Ijayo tarehe 24/9/2023 kwa Balcony baada ya Misa ya pili. CJPD wameandaa mafunzo ambayo yatafinyika kwa muda wa miezi miwili ijayo kwa wanakamishnna wa CJPD. Mafunzo haya pia yatatatumika kama refresher kwa wanachama wakitambo kuanzia Jumapili ijayo, tarehe 24 Septemba 2023. Wanachama wote wamealikwa kuhudhuria Parokia yetu iliwakilishwa na CJPD kwenye Mkutano wa the Africa Climate Summit ambao ulifanyika kuanzia tarehe 4 hadi 6 Septemba.Tunamkaribisha mmoja wao ili atoe ujumbe mfupi kuhusu Mkutano huo.


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                           Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Claire                                  1st Mass: St. Padre Pio

2nd Mass: St. Raphael                               2ndMass: Josil ushindi group







 Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir Shines at Deanery Music Festivals.

 Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir Shines at Deanery Music Festivals.

 Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir Shines at Deanery Music Festivals.

In a harmonious crescendo of voices, Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir from ACACIA Parish joined forces with five other choirs to grace the stage of the Deanery Music Festivals hosted at St. John Catholic Church in Kajiado. A united representation of four Parish outstations – Sts. John & Sylvia, St. Oscar-Matali, St. Cecilia-Enkasiti, and St. Charles Lwanga-Kimalat – the choir’s performance echoed the spirit of unity in diversity.Stepping onto the festival stage for the very first time, the choir embraced the Bronze Category, presenting their musical prowess across three distinct categories.

Their entrancing rendition of “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” not only resonated with the audience but also secured them the prestigious 1st place in the set piece category. Their original composition “Sinodi Nguzo Yetu” captivated hearts, commemorating the Year of the Synod with a powerful portrayal of Communion, Participation, and Mission. The enchanting Sekwensia Song “Uje Roho Mtakatifu,” harmoniously arranged in “Tumshangilie Bwana,” saw them once again emerge as the triumphant 1st place winners in the third category.Guided by Director Mr. Raphael Kimeu, the choir’s stellar performance propelled them to the apex of the Bronze Class, propelling them onward to the forthcoming Diocesan Festivals scheduled for August 26, 2023.

With a commitment to growth, the choir attentively absorbed the adjudicator’s insights, embracing opportunities for refinement. Organising Secretary Ms. Lydia Nekesa proudly accepted the accolade for Best Choir overall, graciously presented by Fr. Gabriel Matata of Namanga Parish.

In a chorus of applause and jubilation, hearty congratulations resounded for Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir from ACACIA Parish. As the echoes of celebration reverberate, the choir’s melodious journey marches on, promising future musical brilliance. Let the jubilant melodies continue, and as they share their harmonious gifts, we extend our heartfelt wishes for their continued success.



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POSITION TITLE: Parish Accountant
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
Working closely with the Parish Finance Committee (PFC) Chair and the Parish Priest to support in the
administration of Parish Financial Resources.
✓ Prepare adequate accruals for all unpaid invoices of a particular month and make releases once payment
has been affected. Ensure all accruals are reconciled to the general ledger on a monthly basis.
✓ Respond to vendor inquiries and reconcile vendor statements.
✓ Make reconciliations of prepayments, provisions and staff advances and submit schedules within the
required time.
✓ In consultation with Parish Finance Chair, maintain updated cashbook(s) for reference before any
payments are processed.
✓ Prepare monthly bank reconciliations for all parish accounts.
✓ Ensure timely posting of all non-current Assets into the accounting software and issuing of Local
Purchase Orders
✓ Prepare billing instructions for clients for the delivery of services.
✓ Responsible for Issuing of Proforma invoices and all claims on a timely basis and ensure they have gone
through the relevant approval process and within agreed service levels and ensure they are duly recorded
in the correct entity.
✓ Regular updates of income stream through account reconciliation of project accounts; company
expenditure, income etc.
✓ Verification and filing of all documents related to accounts receivable in the finance department.
✓ Ensure that tax is correctly accounted for on all payments in accordance with the Income Tax Act and
provide suppliers with their Withholding Tax (WHT) certificates on a timely basis.
✓ Regular issuing of updated monthly financial reports.
✓ Propose and document standard operational procedures.
✓ Initiation of transactions in the Smart Parish system for approval
✓ Implement and train staff on use of Smart Parish System
✓ Track implementation of the annual parish budget and the strategic plan
✓ Introduce controls in the running of all parish projects and ventures including but not limited to water
billing and payment, book sales, pledge tracking, offertory reporting among others.
✓ Proper filing & organizing of all documents pertaining to the above tasks for ease of retrieval.




  1. Our Bishop through the office of the Catechist Coordinator is making an appeal for a second collection to help the Diocese in supporting Catechist working in hardship areas and those undergoing training.
  2. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotion group holds a night vigil at the Adoration Chapel every 1st Friday of the month. Mass is usually around 9pm on Friday and 6.30am on Saturday morning. The parishioners are welcome to join them this coming Friday 4/8/2023.
  3. This coming Saturday (5/08/2023), being the first Saturday of the month it will be a parish day recollection from 9am. All persons elected as liturgy representatives in Jumuiyas and all parishioners are welcome. There will be no morning Mass that day.
  4. Today Josil Ushindi (Singles church support group) will have their monthly meeting upstairs after the second Mass.New members are invited to join.
  5. CMA will be holding their training today after this Mass at the Sunday school building.
  6. All Friends of SMA Acacia are invited for a meeting next Sunday 6th August 2023 immediately after 2nd Mass in church. Kindly keep time. Welcome all.
  7. The Parish chairman would like to meet all the chairpersons of Jumuiyas next Sunday after second Mass.


        Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                                    Next Sunday

    1st Mass: St. Jude                                              1st Mass: St. Timothy

    2nd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi                     2ndMass: St. Agnes



  1. Askofu wetu kupitia kwa ofisi ya Mratibu wa makatekista(Catechist Coordinator)anaomba tuwe na mchango wa pili kwa ajili ya kuwasaidia Makatekista wanaofanya kazi katika maeneo yenye shida na pia kuwasaidia wanaoendelea na mafunzo.
  2. Kikundi cha Sacred Heart Of Jesus Devotion hufanya mkesha wa usiku katika Adoration Chapel kila Ijumaa ya kwanza ya mwezi. Kesha hii huwa inaanza na Sakramenti ya kitumbio saa mbili na nusu jioni na kufuatiwa na Misa takatifu 9pm siku ya Ijumaa na kumalizia na Misa takatifu Jumamosi saa kumi na mbili asubuhi. Wakristo wote wanakaribishwa kujumuika nao Ijumaa tarehe 4/8/2023 kwa ajili ya maombi.
  3. Jumamosi ijayo (5/8/2023) ikiwa ni Jumamosi ya kwanza ya mwezi, ni siku ya maombi ya parokia(recollection) kuanzia saa tatu asubuhi (9.00am) hadi saa sita mchana (12:00 noon). Viongozi wote waliochanguliwa kuwakilisha litrogia katika Jumuia na pia wanaparokia wote wanakaribishwa.Hakutakuwa Misa ya asubuhi kama ilivyo kawaida.


  1. leo,Josil ushindi(singles church support group) watakuwa na mkutano wao wa kila mwezi pale kwa balcony baada ya Misa ya pili.Wanachama wapya wanakaribishwa kujiunga.


  1. Marafiki wa SMA watakuwa na mkutano Jumapili ijayo Tarehe 6/8/2023 baada ya Misa ya pili ndani ya kanisa.Marafiki wote wanaombwa kuhudhuria mkutano huu muhimu.


  1. Mwenyekiti wa Parokia angependa kukutana na wenyekiti wote wa Jumuiya Jumapili ijayo baada ya Misa ya pili.




         Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                                    Next Sunday

    1st Mass: St. Jude                                              1st Mass: St. Timothy

    2nd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi                     2ndMass: St. Agnes



15TH Announcement

15TH Announcement


  1. The procurement committee wishes to announce the start of the prequalification process for vendors who will offer services to the Parish for the years 2023/24. The process will be done in phases. The first phase is for services/goods frequently required by the parish. The list of services has been posted on the noticeboard and on the church website. Any vendors/suppliers interested in offering the services or supplying goods are required to download the requirements from the church website and submit the required information by 28th July 2023. For any clarification, please refer to the Parish office.
  2. Next Sunday, 23th July, we will have a second collection commonly known as Peter’s Pence. This collection will be send to Rome to aid the Pope in his missionary work. We are all kindly requested to come prepared for this.
  3. CMA monthly meeting/training has been postponed to 30/7/2023 after 1st Mass


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                                                    Next Sunday

    1st Mass: St. Peter and Paul                          1st Mass: Our Lady of Fatima

    2nd Mass: SMA Friends                               2ndMass: St James the Great