Announcements: Third Sunday of Easter

Announcements: Third Sunday of Easter

  • We sincerely thank Deacon Lawson for his stay and service in our Parish. In many ways, he was a blessing to many. We pray for him, that he may have a successful ordination to priesthood, and that God may bless his priestly ministry.

  • Next week on Saturday, 6th May, our Parish will host the Joint CWA and CMA Mass for all Parishes in our Deanery of Kajiado. The Mass will be open for all Parishioners, and not just for those who belong to the CWA and CMA. Let’s purpose to attend this important Mass.

  • There will be an Induction Session for all elected leaders of Jumuiyas, Church Groups, Committees and Church Council on Sunday 7th May 2023 after Second Mass. All leaders are requested to begin planning to be available for this important exercise.

  • Josil Ushindi Group, a Church support group bringing together all single ladies and gentlemen, widows and widowers, will be having their meeting today after the second Mass at the Church balcony upstairs. Those already registered, and those who wish to join this important support group are invited for this brief meeting.

  • CJPD will conduct Parish elections for Choir and PMC (Patrons & Matrons for Youth & Children) next Sunday, 30th Apr. The elected leaders from Kimalat, Enkasiti and Matali outstations are requested to attend the second Mass at Sts. John & Sylvia Acacia and participate in the elections after the second Mass.

  • All the Jumuiyas and parishioners in general are requested to return tetrapacks with the amount they managed to set aside during the Lenten season.  CJPD members will start receiving them next Sunday after Mass. Those who did not get tetrapacks can send the amount directly to the church Paybill 4042525, Account No: “LENTEN”

Thank you for your contributions

The Parish Priest and Parish Finance Committee of the entire Sts. John and Sylvia, Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Church Acacia thank you most sincerely for your generous contribution towards the parish harambe held of 7th November 2022. The harambe report will be shared with congregation on Sunday 13th November 2022. May God bless you abundantly.