We are pleased to present the  list of the elected Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) after the elections that were conducted at Sts. John and Sylvia Church  on 26th March 2023. The elections  were facilitated by the CJPD team.

The PPC is a leadership group chaired by an elected laity through which the priest in charge and parishoners work together as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in the Parish.

The functions of the PPC include:

1. To assist the priest in charge in church administration and also enhancing communication from different levels of the church.

2. To assist the church apostolic work in evangelisation, catechesis, charity and social work.

3. To formulate pastoral and development plans and systems for the church

Congratulations to all the elected leaders and we pray that the good Lord may give you strength and hold your hands as you serve our Parish and our community.

Just like David was taken from the sheepfold to servanthood,  like Moses (Ex. 3:1) he did his work with an upright heart and a skillful hand (Psalms 78:72).

May the words in the book of Isaiah 41:10 be your mantra and give you strength as you take up the leadership responsibility in our Parish, “Fear not, for I am with  you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.