1. Tithe Blessing: We thank God for our jobs and businesses and invite those who have prepared their tithe or made direct payments to the bank or church paybill to come forward for prayers and blessing. As we offer our work and business to God, pronounce a prayer over your offering.
  2. Registration for New Catechumens: Registration for new catechumens class for Baptism and First Holy Communion begins today. Parents with children in grade 4 are to register in the Catechist’s Office.
  3. Readmission to Sacrament: Adults who used to receive Holy Communion and stopped, and are not under any Canonical impediment, are to see the Parish Priest to begin the process of readmission to the Sacrament.
  4. Welfare Acacia Fund: All members of the welfare Acacia fund are required to bring the membership books to Noonkopir parish office on or before March 20th, 2024, for reconciliation. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
  5. Kitengela Community Run: The Parish Priest, the Parish council, and parishioners of St. Monica Catholic Church invite you to the inaugural Kitengela Community Run on April 27th, 2027. The theme is “Towards a healthy, peaceful, and cohesive society.” Proceeds will go towards projects paving the way to pay up the loan for the land. Registration fee: KSHS 1,000 for adults and KSHS 500 for children. Mpesa Paybill number: 400222, Account number: 472040#Run. May God bless you as you partake in this noble cause. We invite a CJPD representative to make remarks on the Week 4 topic of the 2024 Lenten campaign.

Jumuiya Service

  • Today:
    • 1st Mass: St. Veronica
    • 2nd Mass: St. Gabriel
  • Next Sunday:
    • 1st Mass: St. Bhakita
    • 2nd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi