1. Today, we celebrate International Mother’s Day. We celebrate all mothers, both present and future, both alive and deceased. Thank you very much for your gift to humanity. God bless you.
  2. We sincerely thank all the Leaders who turned up for the induction session. We thank the Facilitators for the excellent job. The training was a success. All outgoing officials are asked to prepare for the handover on or before 28th May 2023. On 28th May, all newly elected officials of Jumuiyas and Church Groups will be commissioned. Those who come for the first Mass will be commissioned during the first Mass, while those who come for the second Mass will be commissioned during the second Mass. Those who can’t make it on 28th will be commissioned on 4th June at the second Mass. All officials shall carry their Bible and Holy Rosary for the commissioning. 
  3. On 19th May, we shall start the Pentecost Novena. The Novena prayers for the nine days will be shared on our Whatsapp walls and Website. We invite every Catholic to pray this Novena in our homes and Jumuiyas. Here in the Parish, the Novena prayers will be said at every Mass.
  4. Next Sunday 21st May, we shall celebrate the World communication Day. The Bishop has requested that we do a second collection to support the Catholic Radio Station in our Diocese, which champions peaceful coexistence of the communities in our vast Diocese.
  5. We give thanks to God for our jobs and businesses, and the strength and wisdom God has given us to do them. With hearts full of gratitude, we invite those who have their Tithes to please come forward for prayers and blessings. We also sincerely thank those parishioners who have redeemed their pledges this month. We invite them to come forward for a prayer of blessing. The Parish Finance Committee has put up a tent to serve us after Mass. Kindly pass by to obtain your receipt, make payment or make any inquiries.
  6. Our Senior Youths plan to visit a children’s home for charity on 27th May. They make a very humble appeal to us, their parents and guardians, for food and clothes to donate to the children. As we come to church next Sunday, let’s kindly support this youth charity event.
  7. On 4th June, the senior youth from Ngong Cathedral plan will visit our church for an exchange programme with our youths.All the youth of our church are encouraged to be present on that day.Today they will also have a meeting after Second Mass,they are all encouraged to remain behind.


  1. Leo tunasherehekea siku ya kimataifa ya kina-Mama. Tunamshukuru Mungu, na kuwaenzi kina-mama wote, hasa wa parokia yetu. Asanteni sana kwa zawadi yenu kwa dunia nzima.
  2. Tunawashukuru sana viongozi wote waliojitokeza kwa induction session, pamoja na Facilitators wetu. Induction ilifana sana! Jumapili ya tarehe 28, viongozi wote waliochaguliwa wataapishwa. Wale watakaohudhuria Misa ya kwanza wataapishwa kwenye Misa ya kwanza, na wale watakaohudhuria Misa ya pili wataapishwa kwenye Misa ya Pili. Wale ambao hawatakuwepo Jumapili hii, wataapishwa Jumapili ya tarehe 4 Juni katika Misa ya pili. Viongozi wanaombwa kubeba Bibilia na Rosari zao binafsi zitakazotumiwa kwenye Misa ya kuwaapisha.
  3. Novena ya Roho Mtakatifu (Pentecost Novena) itaanza tarehe 19 Mei. Maombi ya Novena yatatumwa kenye mitandao ya Whatsapp na Website ya Parokia. Tunaombwa kusali Novena hii kwenye familia na Jumuiya zetu. Katika Misa za kila siku, tutasali Novena hii baada ya kupokea Komunyo Takatifu.
  4. Jumapili ijayo, tarehe 21 Mei, Kanisa katoliki linasherehekea siku ya kimataifa ya mawasiliano (World Communications Day). Askofu wetu ametuomba kufanya mchango wa pili wa kusaidia Radio ya Jimbo letu, ambayo inasaidia sana katika kuhubiri ujumbe wa amani.
  5. Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa kazi na biashara zetu. Wale waliojiandaa na Fungu la kumi wanaombwa kujongea mbele kwa sala na baraka. Pia, tunawashukuru wakristu wote ambao wameanza kulipia pledge zao za harambee. Kwa shukrani, tunawaomba pia kujongea mbele kwa sala na baraka. Baada ya kila Misa. Wakristu wanakaribishwa kupitia kwenye meza ya Finance Commiitee ili kuchukua risit zao, kulipia ahadi zao, au kupata usaidizi wowote ule.
  6. Vijana wetu watatembelea Children’s home kule Roysambu, Jumamosi tarehe 27 Mei. Wametuomba kama wazazi na walezi wao, kuwasaidia na michango ya chakula na nguo za watoto. Tunapokuja Jumapili ijayo, tafadhali tuwabebee vijana wetu matoleo haya. Asanteni sana.
  7. Tarehe nne June(4th June)vijana kutoka Ngong Cathedral plan watatembelea kanisa yetu ili wawe na kikao maalum pamoja na vijana wetu.Hivyo basi vijana wote wanahimizwa kuhudhuria siku hiyo.Leo watakuwa na mkutano pale juu kwa balcony baada ya misa hii.Vijana wote wanaalikwa.


Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Clare                          1st Mass: St. Mary

         2nd Mass: St. Catherine of Siena    2nd Mass: St. Peter and Paul