• We have begun a registration for parishioners who would like to be readmitted into the Holy Sacrament of Eucharist. Those interest are requested to come and meet the Priest during office hours or make an appointment with him.
  • This coming Saturday (3/06/2023), being the first Saturday of the month there will be a parish recollection from 9am. All parishioners are welcome. There will be no morning mass that day.
  • Thursday 1st of June, will be a public holiday and Mass will be at 9am.
  • Next Sunday 4th June, the senior youth from Ngong Cathedral Plan will visit our church for an exchange programme with our youths. All the youth of our church are encouraged to be present on that day.
  • Josil Ushindi (Singles Church Support) Group will have a meeting today after second Mass at the balcony. New members are invited to join.
  • Next Sunday 4th June, Equity Afya- Kitengela branch will be offering a free medical camp for our Parishioners – Christians are encouraged take advantage of this opportunity to do body checkups.


Jumuiya service

1st Mass: St. Joseph the Worker                1st Mass: St. Raphael

2nd Mass: St. Padre Pio                                            2nd Mass: Senior Youth


PFC announcements