We thank the good Lord for our work and businesses. On this First Sunday of the month, we invite those who have their Tithe, and those who paid directly to the Bank and Paybill, to come forward for prayers and blessings. The Church Paybill Number is 4042525 Account

  1. CJPD would like to inform all members that there will be the final training session today after the second Mass in the Sunday school building. All new and already commissioned members from all outstations are requested to attend.
  2. The senior youth (18 – 25 years) will be having an END YEAR PARTY on 16th December here at the church. Every youth is requested to pay a small fee of 500/= to cater for food and snacks. In regards to this, there will be a meeting immediately after the second Mass at the balcony for all the senior youth.
  3. We have started registration of infant baptism. Parents who would like their children to be baptized are requested to register through their jumuiyas.
  4. On Saturday 09/12/2023 our Parish will host the SMA Foundation Day. It will bring together Christians from parishes served by SMA Fathers in Kenya. All Parishioners are invited. Thank you as you to plan to attend these important celebrations.


Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Daniel Comboni                    1st Mass: St. Jude

2nd Mass: St. Joseph the Worker                2nd Mass: St. Catherine of Siena


  1. Leo ni Jumapili ya fungu la kumi,kwa wakristo ambao wamejitayarisha na pia wale ambao wametuma fungu lao kwenye paybill ya kanisa tunawaalika wajongee mbele kwa maombi na Baraka.Tunapokuja mbele tunaombwa kuweka nia zetu pamoja na fungu la kumi tunalomtolea Mungu. Paybill ya kanisa ni 4042525 account
  2. CJPD wangependa kuwajulisha wakristo wote kwamba watakuwa na kikao cha mwisho cha mafunzo yao leo baada ya Misa hii kule kwenye jengo la Sunday school. Wanachama wote wapya na wale ambao wameidhinishwa wanaombwa kuhudhuria.
  3. Vijana wetu walio na umri wa miaka (18-25) watakuwa na END YEAR PARTY tarehe 16/12/2023 hapa kanisani. Hivyo basi vijana wote wanaombwa kujisajili kwa shilingi mia tano (500/=). Leo watakuwa na mkutano baada ya misa hii pale kwa balcony.Vijana wote wanaombwa wabaki nyuma baada ya Misa ili kuhudhuria mkutano huu.
  4. Usajili wa ubatizo wa watoto wachanga umeanza.Wazazi wote ambao wangependa watoto wao wachanga wabatizwe wanaombwa kujisajili kupitia kwa jumuia zao.
  5. Jumamosi ijayo tarehe 09/12/2023 ni SMA Foundation day ambayo itafanyika hapa parokiani.Siki hii, wakristo kutoka parokia zinazohudumiwa na SMA Fathers pamoja na seminarians,watajumuika hapa parokiani kwa Misa takatifu na sherehe maalum nchini.

Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Daniel Comboni                    1st Mass: St. Jude

2nd Mass: St. Joseph the Worker                2nd Mass: St. Catherine of Siena