1. This coming Friday (20/10/2023) being a Public Holiday, the Mass will be at 9am. Hence, there will be no evening Mass as usual.
  2. Next Sunday, a medical team from AAR Hospital will visit our Church for a Free Medical Camp. They will offer the following services: Free basic check-ups (Weight, BP, BMI), free Random Blood Sugar tests (RBS), free Dental Consultation and more.
  3. The Liturgy group will have a meeting next Sunday after the second Mass. All liturgy representatives from Church groups and Jumuiyas are requested to attend.
  4. Sunday 29/10/2023, we shall have special prayers for all candidates, we encourage parents with candidates either in Grade 6, Class 8 or Form 4 to register their children for prayers. There is a desk set aside for registration outside the Church, please pass by it.


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                            Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Margaret                             1st Mass: St. Francis of Asissi

2nd Mass: CWA                                         2ndMass: St. Jude



  1. Ijumaa ijayo (20/10/2023) itakuwa Public Holiday, Misa itakuwa saa tatu asubuhi. Kwa hivyo, hakutakuwa na Misa ya jioni kama ilivyo kawaida. Wote twaalikwa.
  2. Jumapili ijayo, wahuduma wa afya kutoka Hospitali ya AAR watatembelea Kanisa letu kwa ajili ya Free Medical Camp. Watatoa huduma zifuatazo: Free basic check-ups (Weight, BP, BMI), free Random Blood Sugar tests (RBS), free Dental Consultation na mengineyo.
  3. Liturgy Group watakuwa na mkutano wao Jumapili ijayo baada ya Misa ya pili. Wawakilishi wote wa liturgy Group kutoka vikundi vya Kanisa na Jumuiya zote wanaombwa kuhudhuria.
  4. Jumapili tarehe 29/10/2023, tutakuwa na sala maalum kwa ajili ya watahiniwa wote, wazazi walio na watahiniwa katika aidha darasa la 6, darasa la 8 au kidato cha 4, wanaulizwa wawaandikishe watoto wao hapo nje kwenye meza baada ya Misa hiii.

         Huduma za Misa

Leo:                                                             Jumapili Ijayo

1st Mass: St. Margaret                            1st Mass: St. Francis of Asissi

2nd Mass: CWA                                       2ndMass: St. Jude