1. We thank God for our jobs and businesses, for the strength that God has given us to do them. On this First Sunday of the month, we invite those who have prepared their Tithe to come forward for prayers and blessing. As we come forward to offer your work and business to God, pronounce a prayer over your offering.
  2. We thank God for the new month. The Month of October is a special month dedicated to the Devotion of our Virgin Mary. We encourage our parishioners to pray the Rosary in their families and Jumuiya meetings during this month.
  3. This coming Saturday (7/10/2023), being the first Saturday of the month there will be a parish recollection from 9am.All parishioners are welcome
  4. Today the Family and Vocations Group will meet in the balcony immediately after the second Mass.All Jumuiya and church group representatives are invited. Thank you and may God bless you as you purpose to attend.
  5. Pascal has been transferred to The Formation House in Karen. We invite parishioners for a second collection as an appreciation for his Ministerial service to us.


Jumuiya service

Today:                                                           Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. James the Great              1st Mass: St. Bernard

2nd Mass: St. Jose Maria Escriva          2ndMass:St.Daniel Comboni



  1. Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa kazi na biashara zetu ,na kwa nguvu na neema anayotujalia kuzifanya kazi zetu.Kwa mioyo ya shukrani,tunawakaribisha wakristo wote wajongee mbele na fungu lao la kumi kwa maombi na Baraka.Tunapo kuja mbele kutoa fungu letu kwa Mungu,Tamka maombi juu ya sadaka yako.
  2. Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa mwezi huu wa Oktoba ambao ni mwezi maalum wa kumuenzi Mama Bikira Maria.Hivyo basi wanaparokia wote wanaombwa kusali rosali Takatifu kwenye familia zao na katika jumuiya.
  3. Jumamosi ijayo (7/10/2023) ikiwa ni Jumamosi ya kwanza ya mwezi, ni siku ya maombi(recollection) kuanzia saa tatu asubuhi (9.00am) hadi saa sita mchana (12:00 noon).Wakristo wote wanakaribishwa
  4. Leo,Family and vocations group watakuwa na mkutano pale juu kwa balcony baada ya misa hii.Wawakilishi wote wa jumuiya na vikundi vya kanisa wanaombwa kuhudhuria.Mungu awabariki sana mnapo kusudia kuhudhuria.
  5. Pascal amehamishwa kwenda The Formation House huko Karen. Tunawaalika wakristo wote kwa mchango wa pili kama shukrani kwa huduma yake kwetu.


 Jumuiya service

Today:                                                           Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. James the Great              1st Mass: St. Bernard

2nd Mass: St. Jose Maria Escriva          2ndMass:St.Daniel Comboni