• We sincerely thank all parishioners for the generous support and donations we gave to Deacon Lawson. Deacon Lawson expresses his sincere gratitude for your love, support, and prayers. May God bless you immensely.
  • This Saturday, 6th May, our Parish will host the Joint CWA and CMA Mass for all Parishes in our Deanery of Kajiado from 10am. All parishioners are invited to attend this Holy mass. Therefore, there will be NO MORNING MASS at 6.30am.
  • All elected leaders of Jumuiyas, Church Groups and Committees are invited to the Induction Session this Sunday immediately after second Mass here in Church. This is a very important session and all leaders are expected to attend. Please, bring a notebook and a pen.
  • Today in the Catholic Church, we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, a special day to thank God for the vocations to priesthood and religious life, and to also pray for more young men and women to choose to serve God as priests, brothers and sisters. We are requested to do a second collection, which will be sent to Rome to assist the Pope in the promotion of vocations.
  • All the Jumuiyas and parishioners in general are requested to return tetrapacks with the amount they managed to set aside during the Lenten season.  CJPD members will be receiving the tetrapacks after Mass. Those who did not get tetrapacks can send the amount directly to the church Paybill 4042525, Account No: “LENTEN”