Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir Shines at Deanery Music Festivals.

In a harmonious crescendo of voices, Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir from ACACIA Parish joined forces with five other choirs to grace the stage of the Deanery Music Festivals hosted at St. John Catholic Church in Kajiado. A united representation of four Parish outstations – Sts. John & Sylvia, St. Oscar-Matali, St. Cecilia-Enkasiti, and St. Charles Lwanga-Kimalat – the choir’s performance echoed the spirit of unity in diversity.Stepping onto the festival stage for the very first time, the choir embraced the Bronze Category, presenting their musical prowess across three distinct categories.

Their entrancing rendition of “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” not only resonated with the audience but also secured them the prestigious 1st place in the set piece category. Their original composition “Sinodi Nguzo Yetu” captivated hearts, commemorating the Year of the Synod with a powerful portrayal of Communion, Participation, and Mission. The enchanting Sekwensia Song “Uje Roho Mtakatifu,” harmoniously arranged in “Tumshangilie Bwana,” saw them once again emerge as the triumphant 1st place winners in the third category.Guided by Director Mr. Raphael Kimeu, the choir’s stellar performance propelled them to the apex of the Bronze Class, propelling them onward to the forthcoming Diocesan Festivals scheduled for August 26, 2023.

With a commitment to growth, the choir attentively absorbed the adjudicator’s insights, embracing opportunities for refinement. Organising Secretary Ms. Lydia Nekesa proudly accepted the accolade for Best Choir overall, graciously presented by Fr. Gabriel Matata of Namanga Parish.

In a chorus of applause and jubilation, hearty congratulations resounded for Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine Choir from ACACIA Parish. As the echoes of celebration reverberate, the choir’s melodious journey marches on, promising future musical brilliance. Let the jubilant melodies continue, and as they share their harmonious gifts, we extend our heartfelt wishes for their continued success.