1. We request parishioners whose children received Holy Communion during Easter and those parishioners who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation to register at the parish office immediately after this Mass. The commencement date for classes will be announced next Sunday.
  2. Those parishioners who stopped receiving Holy Communion, and would now wish to start receiving Holy Communion, are requested to meet the parish priest to discuss that possibility.
  3. The senior youth will be having a meeting after the second mass that will highlight on requirements for their hike on the 25th of May this coming Saturday. All guardians are requested to let them attend this meeting since it is very important especially to those attending the hike.
  4. The Opus Dei Recollection comes up next Saturday. The ladies Recollection begins at 9am while the men’s Recollection starts at 2pm. There will be confession from 8am.
  5. We are invited for a second collection to congratulate the newly ordained priest Fr Tobias.



Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Francis of Assisi                           1st Mass: St. Jude

          2nd Mass: St. Timothy                                        2nd Mass: St. Rita