by Josephine Jeruto | Jan 15, 2024 | News
- Thomas’ will be winding his service in our Parish soon. Next Sunday will be his final Sunday. As we usually do, we shall have a second collection at all Masses in all our Outstations to thank Fr. Thomas for his wonderful service and stay in our parish.
- End of Year Mass Program:
Vigil Mass
Kimalat: 7pm
Acacia: 9pm
New Year Day
1st Mass: 7am
2nd Mass: 9am
Kimalat: 7am
Enkasiti: 9am
Matali: 11am
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Francis 1st Mass: St. Timothy
2nd Mass: St Bernard 2nd Mass: St. Agnes
NB/ Choir will serve both first and second Mass on Monday 1st Jan 2024
1. Fr Thomas atamaliza huduma yake katika parokia yetu hivi karibuni.Jumapili ijayo itakuwa Jumapili yake ya mwisho,hivyo basi tutakuwa na mchango wa pili katika vigango vyetu vyote kama ishara ya kutoa shukrani zetu kwa huduma zake kwetu.Sote tunaombwa tuje tukiwa tayari.
2. Ratiba ya Misa za mwisho wa mwaka
Vigil Mass (kesha ya Kufunga mwaka)
Kimalat: 7pm
Acacia: 9pm
Misa za Mwaka mpya
1st Mass: 7am
2nd Mass: 9am
Kimalat: 7am
Enkasiti: 9am
Matali: 11am
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Francis 1st Mass: St. Timothy
2nd Mass: St Bernard 2nd Mass: St. Agnes
NB/ Choir will serve both first and second Mass on Monday 1st Jan 2024
by Josephine Jeruto | Dec 7, 2023 | News
- Today CWA will be having a seminar after second Mass at the Sunday school building. All ladies are invited.
- Next Saturday being the last Saturday of the month, there will be a Recollection organized by Opus Dei, recollection for ladies will start at 9AM and men at 2PM. The Ladies’ Recollection will begin with
Confessions from 8AM.
- Next Sunday will be the last Sunday of the liturgical year, when we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. The Church recommends that all Catholics to hold a Procession on this day. The weather conditions and other logistic challenges may not allow us to hold this Procession. However, we shall have one hour Adoration (Holy hour) immediately after the second Mass, Let’s come prepared for this important spiritual exercise in honour of Christ the King in our lives.
- 26/11/2023 After Mass, all our Priests will be away for one week to attend their Annual Retreat at Nakuru.Therefore there will be no Jumuiya and weekday Masses that week.
- 02/12/2023 will be diocesan Family Day at Ngong Diocese. The parish Chairman will organize our parade representation through our Jumuiyas and Church Groups.
- On 09/12/2023 our Parish will host the SMA Foundation Day. It will bring together Christians from parishes served by SMA Fathers in Kenya. All Parishioners are invited, thank you as you to plan to attend these important celebrations. Details of the Day’s programme will be shared in the coming Sundays.
- Leo CWA watakuwa na semina baada ya Misa hii kule kwenye jengo la Sunday school. Kina mama wote wa parokia yetu wanaalikwa.
- Jumamosi ijayo ni Jumamosi ya mwisho ya mwezi, kutakuwa na recollection ya Opus Dei. Maombi ya wanawake itaanza saa tatu asubuhi na ya wanaume ni saa nane mchana.Sakramenti ya kitubio ni saa mbili kamili asubuhi. Sote tunaalikwa.
- Jumapili ijayo ni Jumapili ya mwisho ya mwaka wa liturujia tunapoadhimisha sherehe ya Kristo Mfalme, kanisa linapendekeza wanakatolili wote wafanye maandamano siku hio, Ila kwa sababu ya hali ya anga na changamoto nyinginezo, hatutakuwa na maandamano (procession). Badala yake tutakuwa na ibaada ya kuabudu sakramenti takatifu (Adoration) baada ya Misa ya pili.Tunaombwa tujiweke tayari kwa zoezi hili muhimu la kiroho kwa heshima ya Kristo Mfalme katika maisha yetu.
- Kuanzia Jumapili ijayo tarehe 26/11/2023 baada ya Misa, Mapadre wetu watasafiri kwenda Nakuru kwa retreat yao ya SMA Fathers.Hivyo basi hatutakuwa na Misa kuanzia Jumatatu hadi Jumamosi.
- Tarehe 02/12/2023 ni Family day ya Ngong Diocese kule Ngong. Mwenyekiti wa parokia atatoa muongozo jinsi tutakavyowakilisha parokia yetu kupitia kwa Jumuiya na vikundi vya kanisa.
- Tarehe 09/12/2023 ni SMA Foundation day ambayo itafanyika hapa parokiani.Siki hii, wakristo kutoka parokia zinazohudumiwa na SMA Fathers pamoja na seminarians,watajumuika hapa parokiani kwa Misa takatifu na sherehe maalum nchini .Maelezo Zaidi na programu ya siku hiyo yatatolewa baadaye.
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Mary 1st Mass: St. Mary
2nd Mass: St. Donbosco 2nd Mass: Our Lady of Fatima
And Sacred Heart Group
by Josephine Jeruto | Dec 7, 2023 | News
- We thank the good Lord for our work and business. On this second Sunday of the month, we invite those who have their Tithe, and those who paid directly to the Bank and Paybill come forward for prayers and blessings. The Church Paybill Number is 4042525 Account
- CMA will be having their training next Sunday 19thOctober after first Mass.All CMA members are invited.
- CWA will be having a seminar next Sunday after second Mass.All ladies are invited.
- The Family and Vocations Group will have a meeting today at the balcony immediately after the second Mass. All members are requested to attend
- Monday 13/11/2023 is a public holiday morning Mass will start at 9.00am.
- We invite PFC chair to give vote of thanks to the parishioners for their generous contributions during Harambe.
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Josemaria Escriva 1st Mass: St. Mary
2nd Mass: St. Peter and Paul 2nd Mass: St. Donbosco
- Leo ni Jumapili ya fungu la kumi,kwa wakristo ambao wamejitayarisha na pia wale ambao wametuma fungu lao kwa paybill ya kanisa tunawaalika wajongee mbele kwa maombi na Baraka.Tunapokuja mbele tunaombwa kuweka nia zetu pamoja na fungu la kumi tunalomtolea Mungu.Paybill ya kanisa ni 4042525 account
- CMA watakuwa na mafundisho yao Jumapili ijayo tarehe 19/11/2023 baada ya Misa ya kwanza.Wanachama wote wa CMA wanakaribishwa.
- CWA watakuwa na semina Jumapili ijayo baada ya Misa ya pili.Wamama wote wanaalikwa.
- Family and vocations group watakuwa na mkutano leo baada ya Misa hii pale kwa Balcony.Wanachama wote wanaalikwa.
- Kesho Jumatatu ni sikukuu, hivyo basi Misa ya asubuhi itaanza saa tatu asubuhi.Wakristu wote wanakaribishwa.
- Tunamwalika mwenyekiti wa kamati ya fedha ili awashukuru wakristo wote kwa ukarimu wao siku ya harambee.
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Josemaria Escriva 1st Mass: St. Mary
2nd Mass: St. Peter and Paul 2nd Mass: St. Donbosco
by Josephine Jeruto | Nov 5, 2023 | News
- This coming Friday (20/10/2023) being a Public Holiday, the Mass will be at 9am. Hence, there will be no evening Mass as usual.
- Next Sunday, a medical team from AAR Hospital will visit our Church for a Free Medical Camp. They will offer the following services: Free basic check-ups (Weight, BP, BMI), free Random Blood Sugar tests (RBS), free Dental Consultation and more.
- The Liturgy group will have a meeting next Sunday after the second Mass. All liturgy representatives from Church groups and Jumuiyas are requested to attend.
- Sunday 29/10/2023, we shall have special prayers for all candidates, we encourage parents with candidates either in Grade 6, Class 8 or Form 4 to register their children for prayers. There is a desk set aside for registration outside the Church, please pass by it.
Jumuiya service
Today: Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Margaret 1st Mass: St. Francis of Asissi
2nd Mass: CWA 2ndMass: St. Jude
- Ijumaa ijayo (20/10/2023) itakuwa Public Holiday, Misa itakuwa saa tatu asubuhi. Kwa hivyo, hakutakuwa na Misa ya jioni kama ilivyo kawaida. Wote twaalikwa.
- Jumapili ijayo, wahuduma wa afya kutoka Hospitali ya AAR watatembelea Kanisa letu kwa ajili ya Free Medical Camp. Watatoa huduma zifuatazo: Free basic check-ups (Weight, BP, BMI), free Random Blood Sugar tests (RBS), free Dental Consultation na mengineyo.
- Liturgy Group watakuwa na mkutano wao Jumapili ijayo baada ya Misa ya pili. Wawakilishi wote wa liturgy Group kutoka vikundi vya Kanisa na Jumuiya zote wanaombwa kuhudhuria.
- Jumapili tarehe 29/10/2023, tutakuwa na sala maalum kwa ajili ya watahiniwa wote, wazazi walio na watahiniwa katika aidha darasa la 6, darasa la 8 au kidato cha 4, wanaulizwa wawaandikishe watoto wao hapo nje kwenye meza baada ya Misa hiii.
Huduma za Misa
Leo: Jumapili Ijayo
1st Mass: St. Margaret 1st Mass: St. Francis of Asissi
2nd Mass: CWA 2ndMass: St. Jude
by Josephine Jeruto | Oct 2, 2023 | News
On September 29th, the faithful members of the St. Raphael community gathered to celebrate the Feast Day of their beloved patron saint. This year, the celebration took place at the home of one of their dedicated members. The parish priests, along with other esteemed clergy, were invited to join in commemorating this special day.
The celebration was a resounding success, filled with prayer, reflection, and a sense of unity among the attendees. The members were divided into three groups based on their proximity: the residents near the police station, the Muigai Lower Group, and the Muigai Upper Group.
The highlight of the day was the presence of the invited guests from South C, St. Anthony of Padua Jumuiya, whose words of wisdom and spirituality added a special touch to this memorable occasion.