The Catholic Justice and Peace Department team (CJPD) at Sts John and Sylvia Parish will conduct a leadership training for all parishoners on 11 December 2022. The leadership training will be conducted after the 9am mass and all parishoners are encouraged to participate.
This training will empower current and aspiring leaders who will participate in church elections in the period of Jan- March 2023 for various leadership roles in small christian communities, outstations and the parish pastoral council groups and movements.
This follows communications from the Ngong Diocese for the parish to align its election calendar with the Diocese and National elections.
For more information please contact the CJPD team via the parish office.
On 20 August 2022, over 300 Catholic Justice and Peace Department (CJPD) Commissioners from various catholic churches in the Ngong Diocese converged at St. Joseph the Worker Cathedral in Ngong for the annual Catholic Diocese of Ngong CJPD Commissioners Mass. The event featured participation from over 30 parishes in the diocese. Ngong Diocese is home to 37 Parishes which are clustered in five deaneries : Kilgoris, Narok, Ngong, Kajiado and Oloitokitok.
The main celebrant of the Holy mass was Bishop John Oballa Owaa the Bishop of Ngong Catholic Diocese. The special day featured entertainment by the Kajiado deanery CJPD choir led by Sts. John and Sylvia Parish and St. Monica Parish and a tree planting exercise to commemorate the day.
Here are some vide and photo highlights to give you a quick glimpse of what happened during the great occasion.
The Catholic Justice and Peace Department (CJPD) is currently running an eight week training session for CJPD Commissioners (yet to be commissioned and previously commissioned). The Commissioners are drawn from Small Christian communities (SCC) and various church groups.
New CJPD Commissioners from Sts. John and Sylvia Parish will be commissioned on 30 July 2022.
The ongoing trainings are held every Sunday from 11:30am to 2:30pm.
Do you want to know what CJPD is all about and the role in our church? Check out this video featuring CJPD trainer Rose Omariba from St. Monica explaining what is CJPD.
Here are some pictures from session 5 that covered elections and citizen participation . Session five was facilitated by Rose Omariba and Francisca Muia.
For more information about CJPD please contact the Parish Office or the CJPD Chairman Mr. Ignatius Simiyu.