by Josephine Jeruto | May 28, 2024 | News
- We request parishioners whose children received Holy Communion during Easter and those parishioners who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation to register at the parish office immediately after this Mass. The commencement date for classes will be announced next Sunday.
- Those parishioners who stopped receiving Holy Communion, and would now wish to start receiving Holy Communion, are requested to meet the parish priest to discuss that possibility.
- The senior youth will be having a meeting after the second mass that will highlight on requirements for their hike on the 25th of May this coming Saturday. All guardians are requested to let them attend this meeting since it is very important especially to those attending the hike.
- The Opus Dei Recollection comes up next Saturday. The ladies Recollection begins at 9am while the men’s Recollection starts at 2pm. There will be confession from 8am.
- We are invited for a second collection to congratulate the newly ordained priest Fr Tobias.
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Francis of Assisi 1st Mass: St. Jude
2nd Mass: St. Timothy 2nd Mass: St. Rita
by Josephine Jeruto | Apr 6, 2024
![''His mercy endures forever" PS 136.](
Divine Mercy Convention
by Josephine Jeruto | Jan 15, 2024 | News
- Thomas’ will be winding his service in our Parish soon. Next Sunday will be his final Sunday. As we usually do, we shall have a second collection at all Masses in all our Outstations to thank Fr. Thomas for his wonderful service and stay in our parish.
- End of Year Mass Program:
Vigil Mass
Kimalat: 7pm
Acacia: 9pm
New Year Day
1st Mass: 7am
2nd Mass: 9am
Kimalat: 7am
Enkasiti: 9am
Matali: 11am
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Francis 1st Mass: St. Timothy
2nd Mass: St Bernard 2nd Mass: St. Agnes
NB/ Choir will serve both first and second Mass on Monday 1st Jan 2024
1. Fr Thomas atamaliza huduma yake katika parokia yetu hivi karibuni.Jumapili ijayo itakuwa Jumapili yake ya mwisho,hivyo basi tutakuwa na mchango wa pili katika vigango vyetu vyote kama ishara ya kutoa shukrani zetu kwa huduma zake kwetu.Sote tunaombwa tuje tukiwa tayari.
2. Ratiba ya Misa za mwisho wa mwaka
Vigil Mass (kesha ya Kufunga mwaka)
Kimalat: 7pm
Acacia: 9pm
Misa za Mwaka mpya
1st Mass: 7am
2nd Mass: 9am
Kimalat: 7am
Enkasiti: 9am
Matali: 11am
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Francis 1st Mass: St. Timothy
2nd Mass: St Bernard 2nd Mass: St. Agnes
NB/ Choir will serve both first and second Mass on Monday 1st Jan 2024
by Josephine Jeruto | Nov 5, 2023 | News
- This coming Saturday (4/10/2023), being the first Saturday of the month there will be a parish recollection from 9am. All parishioners are welcome.
- 1ST of November we will celebrate solemnity of all saints, Holy Mass will start at 6:30am in the morning and all parishioners are encouraged to attend. On 2nd November is all Souls day and we will have special prayers for the departed souls of our loved ones. Holy Mass will start at 6pm in the evening. All parishioners are encouraged to attend the Mass.
- As announced last Sunday the venue for boys initiation has changed from Vanessa Primary to Stepping stone academy-EPZ the other factors remain unchanged. Parents who have not yet registered their boys can register in the parish office.
- We invite the Parish PFC chair to give direction and program of the upcoming Harambee.
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Rita 1st Mass: St. Agnes
2nd Mass: St. Gabriel 2nd Mass: St. Timothy
- Jumamosi ijayo (4/10/2023), ikiwa ni Jumamosi ya kwanza ya mwezi kutakuwa na maombi(recollection) ya parokia kuanzia saa tatu Wakristo wote wanakaribishwa.
- Tarehe Moja Novemba tutaadhimisha sikukuu ya watakatifu wote (Solemnity of All saints).Misa takatifu itaanza saa Kumi na mbili na nusu asubuhi(6:30am).Wanaparokia wote wanaombwa kuhuduria Misa hii muhimu. Tarehe Mbili Novemba ni Siku ya kumbukumbu ya roho za marehemu wote. (All souls Day).Tutakuwa na maombi maalum kwa ajili ya ndugu zetu waliotutangulia.Misa takatifu itaanza saa kumi na mbili jioni (6:00pm).Sote tunakarimbishwa.
- Vijana wetu ambao wanaojiandaa kwenda kutahiri wataishi kwenye mabweni ya Stepping Stones school-EPZ na sio Vennessa primary school kama ilivyotangazwa Jumapili iliyopita. Kwa maelezo Zaidi na pia kwa wazazi ambao bado hawajasajili watoto wao wanombwa kuwasiliana na ofisi ya parokia.
- Tunamkaribisha mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya fedha ili kutoa muongozo na pragramu ya Harambee ijayo.
Jumuiya service
Leo Jumapili Ijayo
1st Mass: St. Rita 1st Mass: St. Agnes
2nd Mass: St. Gabriel 2nd Mass: St. Timothy
by Josephine Jeruto | Nov 5, 2023 | News
- This coming Friday (20/10/2023) being a Public Holiday, the Mass will be at 9am. Hence, there will be no evening Mass as usual.
- Next Sunday, a medical team from AAR Hospital will visit our Church for a Free Medical Camp. They will offer the following services: Free basic check-ups (Weight, BP, BMI), free Random Blood Sugar tests (RBS), free Dental Consultation and more.
- The Liturgy group will have a meeting next Sunday after the second Mass. All liturgy representatives from Church groups and Jumuiyas are requested to attend.
- Sunday 29/10/2023, we shall have special prayers for all candidates, we encourage parents with candidates either in Grade 6, Class 8 or Form 4 to register their children for prayers. There is a desk set aside for registration outside the Church, please pass by it.
Jumuiya service
Today: Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Margaret 1st Mass: St. Francis of Asissi
2nd Mass: CWA 2ndMass: St. Jude
- Ijumaa ijayo (20/10/2023) itakuwa Public Holiday, Misa itakuwa saa tatu asubuhi. Kwa hivyo, hakutakuwa na Misa ya jioni kama ilivyo kawaida. Wote twaalikwa.
- Jumapili ijayo, wahuduma wa afya kutoka Hospitali ya AAR watatembelea Kanisa letu kwa ajili ya Free Medical Camp. Watatoa huduma zifuatazo: Free basic check-ups (Weight, BP, BMI), free Random Blood Sugar tests (RBS), free Dental Consultation na mengineyo.
- Liturgy Group watakuwa na mkutano wao Jumapili ijayo baada ya Misa ya pili. Wawakilishi wote wa liturgy Group kutoka vikundi vya Kanisa na Jumuiya zote wanaombwa kuhudhuria.
- Jumapili tarehe 29/10/2023, tutakuwa na sala maalum kwa ajili ya watahiniwa wote, wazazi walio na watahiniwa katika aidha darasa la 6, darasa la 8 au kidato cha 4, wanaulizwa wawaandikishe watoto wao hapo nje kwenye meza baada ya Misa hiii.
Huduma za Misa
Leo: Jumapili Ijayo
1st Mass: St. Margaret 1st Mass: St. Francis of Asissi
2nd Mass: CWA 2ndMass: St. Jude