by Josephine Jeruto | Apr 6, 2024
![''His mercy endures forever" PS 136.](
Divine Mercy Convention
by Josephine Jeruto | Nov 5, 2023 | News
- This coming Saturday (4/10/2023), being the first Saturday of the month there will be a parish recollection from 9am. All parishioners are welcome.
- 1ST of November we will celebrate solemnity of all saints, Holy Mass will start at 6:30am in the morning and all parishioners are encouraged to attend. On 2nd November is all Souls day and we will have special prayers for the departed souls of our loved ones. Holy Mass will start at 6pm in the evening. All parishioners are encouraged to attend the Mass.
- As announced last Sunday the venue for boys initiation has changed from Vanessa Primary to Stepping stone academy-EPZ the other factors remain unchanged. Parents who have not yet registered their boys can register in the parish office.
- We invite the Parish PFC chair to give direction and program of the upcoming Harambee.
Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Rita 1st Mass: St. Agnes
2nd Mass: St. Gabriel 2nd Mass: St. Timothy
- Jumamosi ijayo (4/10/2023), ikiwa ni Jumamosi ya kwanza ya mwezi kutakuwa na maombi(recollection) ya parokia kuanzia saa tatu Wakristo wote wanakaribishwa.
- Tarehe Moja Novemba tutaadhimisha sikukuu ya watakatifu wote (Solemnity of All saints).Misa takatifu itaanza saa Kumi na mbili na nusu asubuhi(6:30am).Wanaparokia wote wanaombwa kuhuduria Misa hii muhimu. Tarehe Mbili Novemba ni Siku ya kumbukumbu ya roho za marehemu wote. (All souls Day).Tutakuwa na maombi maalum kwa ajili ya ndugu zetu waliotutangulia.Misa takatifu itaanza saa kumi na mbili jioni (6:00pm).Sote tunakarimbishwa.
- Vijana wetu ambao wanaojiandaa kwenda kutahiri wataishi kwenye mabweni ya Stepping Stones school-EPZ na sio Vennessa primary school kama ilivyotangazwa Jumapili iliyopita. Kwa maelezo Zaidi na pia kwa wazazi ambao bado hawajasajili watoto wao wanombwa kuwasiliana na ofisi ya parokia.
- Tunamkaribisha mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya fedha ili kutoa muongozo na pragramu ya Harambee ijayo.
Jumuiya service
Leo Jumapili Ijayo
1st Mass: St. Rita 1st Mass: St. Agnes
2nd Mass: St. Gabriel 2nd Mass: St. Timothy
by Josephine Jeruto | Sep 21, 2023 | News
- Next Saturday, our Bishop, priests and Christians will converge in our Parish for the Deanery Luncheon. Mass begins at 10.30. We invite parishioners to attend Mass. Those who picked the cards are requested to kindly send their payments through the Church Paybill 4042525 Account Luncheon or at the Parish Office.
- John and Sylvia Education group will meet at the Balcony today immediately after second Mass.
- From next Sunday, the Priests and Deacon will be available for Holy Mass or Communion Service for our children. The Mass/Communion Service will begin at 9am, at the same time as the Second Mass. Parents and guardians are requested to cooperate.
- The CJPD has organized trainings that will be conducted for the next two months for new members. These will also serve as a refresher for existing members from Sunday, 24th Sept after second Mass at the Sunday school hall. All members are invited to attend.
- Our Parish was represented by CJPD on the Africa Climate Summit that took place from 4th to 6th Sep. We invite one of them to share with us the message from this Summit.
Jumuiya service
Today: Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Claire 1st Mass: St. Padre Pio
2nd Mass: St. Raphael 2ndMass: Josil ushindi group
Jumamosi ijayo, Askofu wetu, mapadre na wakristo watajumuika katika Parokia yetu kwa Deanery luncheon. Misa takatifu itaanza saa 10.30am asubuhi. Wanaparokia wote wamealikwa kuhudhuria Misa hii. Wakristo ambao walichukua kadi wanaombwa kutuma malipo Yao kupitia kwa Paybill ya kanisa 4042525 Account Luncheon au kwa Ofisi ya Parokia.
Kamati ya elimu ya parokia yetu watakuwa na mkutano leo baada ya Misa hii kwa balcony.
Kuanzia Jumapili ijayo, Mapadre na Shemasi watasherekea Misa Takatifu au Ibada ya Komunyo kwa watoto wetu wa Sunday school. Ibada ya Misa/Komunyo itaanza saa tatu asubuhi .Ushirikiano wenu Wazazi na walezi unanaombwa. Mwenyekiti wa parokia yetu atakutana na wenyekiti wote wa jumuiya Jumapili Ijayo tarehe 24/9/2023 kwa Balcony baada ya Misa ya pili. CJPD wameandaa mafunzo ambayo yatafinyika kwa muda wa miezi miwili ijayo kwa wanakamishnna wa CJPD. Mafunzo haya pia yatatatumika kama refresher kwa wanachama wakitambo kuanzia Jumapili ijayo, tarehe 24 Septemba 2023. Wanachama wote wamealikwa kuhudhuria Parokia yetu iliwakilishwa na CJPD kwenye Mkutano wa the Africa Climate Summit ambao ulifanyika kuanzia tarehe 4 hadi 6 Septemba.Tunamkaribisha mmoja wao ili atoe ujumbe mfupi kuhusu Mkutano huo.
Jumuiya service
Today: Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Claire 1st Mass: St. Padre Pio
2nd Mass: St. Raphael 2ndMass: Josil ushindi group