- Next Saturday 4th April our Bishop will be in our Parish and celebrate Holy Mass together with all children from our six Parishes in the Deanery of Kajiado. For proper planning, we request parents to register their children with Ksh 350 at the PMC desk outside the church main entrance. Thank you and God bless you.
- Deacon Moses is winding up his training and will be leaving to return home to prepare for his Priestly Ordination. There will be a thanksgiving Mass next Sunday 5th May. Jumuiyas and Church Groups are requested to come with a gift for him. Please let’s come prepared and give thanks to our Deacon for his good services to our Parish.
- On 11th may our Parish will host the SMA Ordinations.5 seminarians will be ordained as Deacons, and 1 Deacon who is currently serving at St Monica will be ordained a Priest. This is a big day for our Parish. Let us all purpose to come and witness and pray for these young men as they give their lives to the service of God.
- Let’s invite Eric Mutua to make an appeal to the parishioners for his hospital bills
Jumuiya service Today Next Sunday
1 st Mass: St. Raphael 1 st Mass: St. Mary
2 nd Mass: Our lady of Fatima 2 nd Mass: Friends of SMA