Divine Mercy Elimu Fund Report (2023-2024)

Divine Mercy Elimu Fund Report (2023-2024)

The Divine Mercy Elimu Fund of Sts. John and Sylvia Parish was launched in 2023 after developing and approving a policy and implementation framework. With the program’s opening for the 2023-2024 academic year, a total of 76 applications were received from all the outstations in the parish. Following an elaborate, thorough and transparent vetting process, a total of Kshs. 193,000 was recommended for award to 32 (21 male and 11 female) needy learners and students representing 25 secondary schools, 3 junior schools, 3 primary schools, and 1 college, respectively.

All beneficiaries have subsequently collected their cheques drawn in their respective institutions’ names. Evidently, there were many needy and deserving cases in the parish. However, the number of beneficiaries and amount disbursed this year was greatly delimited by the bursary amount originally available from the 2023 Lenten campaign (Kshs. 146,000).

Against the above background, the Education Committee wishes to thank the Parish Priest, Father Ben, for first agreeing to top up the bursary amount. This ensured that many more needy cases, especially incoming form one student, were also supported. Secondly, we also convey gratitude to Fr. Ben for the speedy writing of the cheques that ensured that all the beneficiaries returned to school with their respective cheques.

We also wish to recognize and thank St. Claire SCC for contributing Kshs. 10,000 towards supporting the education kitty. Indeed, this amount greatly helped a late form four applicant and one of the victims of the demolitions at Kimalat outstation to continue with his studies at Machakos School. We wish to urge, as well as challenge, all other jumuiyas to emulate this laudable gesture as they craft their 2024 strategic plans.

Clearly, the immediate challenge is in the need to raise more resources to ensure that all needy learners and students within the parish are helped. It is also our plan to provide long-term scholarships to a few needy and bright students in the parish to realise greater impact of the education support program. Finally, the Education Committee is working with the PPC to develop a strategy to raise funds to boost the education kitty. We pray and hope that we can count on the support of all parishioners in this noble endeavor even as we thank them most sincerely for their benevolence and kind assistance in the past.

The week of prayers for christianity unity and throughout the year

The week of prayers for christianity unity and throughout the year

Download the Kiswahili version

Download the English version 

Word from Chairperson,

International Ecumenical Movement -Kenya Chapter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am delighted to welcome you to the ecumenical celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024. Each year the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity jointly assign a particular country to prepare material for WOPCU.

The materials for the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity were prepared by an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso facilitated by the local Chemin Neuf Community (CCN). The theme chosen is “You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbour as yourself” (Lk 10:27). Brothers and sisters from the Catholic Archdiocese of Ouagadougou, Protestant Churches, ecumenical bodies and the CCN in Burkina Faso collaborated generously in drafting the prayers and reflections and experienced their work together as a real path of ecumenical conversion. Our Ecumenical Prayer: “All Lord Jesus Christ, you call us together in faith and love.

Breathe again the new life of your Holy Spirit among us that we may hear your holy word, pray in your name, seek unity among Christians (and harmony with all men and women) and live more fully the faith we profess” The Theme, and our Ecumenical prayer, is a clarion call to all of us as Christians to continuously practice the Christian ethos, that’s character, credibility, moral values in all circumstances. May the spirit of the Lord guide us throughout the year to us into oneness.

It is my sincere hope that this booklet will encourage you to live and practice your Christianity and become the voice of reason, be the voice for the voiceless and all with humility. Even though today is a one-day event, the theme shall remain as our Christian compass through 2024. Thank you for being part of our Ecumenical movement participant today and wish you God’s blessing through the Year as you too experience God’s endless LOVE. With God’s richest blessings

Rev. Isaiah Obare. IEM-Kenya chairperson





Congratulations to the 39 newly commissioned CJPD commissioners

Congratulations to the 39 newly commissioned CJPD commissioners

After an intensive three-month-long training session, we are pleased to announce that 39 new CJPD commissioners were commissioned on Sunday, 14 January, at Sts. John and Sylvia, acacia church, during the 9 am service. Father Ben Asuka officiated the commissioning event.  Mr. Peter Omaera, the Ngong Diocese CJPD coordinator; Ann Kosgei, the Kajiado Deanery chair; Rose Kerubo, Laudato si – Kenyan chapter coordinator and CJPD commissioners (2023 cohort and previous years) from Sts. John and Sylvia Parish and St. Monica Parish were among the guests.

The incoming CJPD commissioners (2024 cohort ) were drawn from Sts. John and Sylvia- Acacia (18), St. Cecilia – Enkasiti (1), St. Oscar Matali (11), St. Charles Lwanga – Kimalat (8) and St. Monica – Noonkopir (1)

Congratulations to the new commissioners; this is the beginning of your work as Christ’s ambassadors in the peace-building mission.




  1. Thomas’ will be winding his service in our Parish soon. Next Sunday will be his final Sunday. As we usually do, we shall have a second collection at all Masses in all our Outstations to thank Fr. Thomas for his wonderful service and stay in our parish.


  1. End of Year Mass Program:

Vigil Mass

Kimalat: 7pm

Acacia: 9pm

                 New Year Day


1st Mass: 7am

2nd Mass: 9am

Kimalat: 7am

                   Enkasiti: 9am

Matali: 11am

Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Francis                                  1st Mass: St. Timothy

          2nd Mass: St Bernard                                 2nd Mass: St. Agnes

NB/ Choir will serve both first and second Mass on Monday 1st Jan 2024

1. Fr Thomas atamaliza huduma yake katika parokia yetu hivi karibuni.Jumapili ijayo itakuwa Jumapili yake ya mwisho,hivyo basi tutakuwa na mchango wa pili katika vigango vyetu vyote kama ishara ya kutoa shukrani zetu kwa huduma zake kwetu.Sote tunaombwa tuje tukiwa tayari.
2. Ratiba ya Misa za mwisho wa mwaka
Vigil Mass (kesha ya Kufunga mwaka)
Kimalat: 7pm
Acacia: 9pm
Misa za Mwaka mpya
1st Mass: 7am
2nd Mass: 9am
Kimalat: 7am
Enkasiti: 9am
Matali: 11am

Jumuiya service
Today Next Sunday
1st Mass: St. Francis 1st Mass: St. Timothy
2nd Mass: St Bernard 2nd Mass: St. Agnes
NB/ Choir will serve both first and second Mass on Monday 1st Jan 2024





We thank the good Lord for our work and businesses. On this First Sunday of the month, we invite those who have their Tithe, and those who paid directly to the Bank and Paybill, to come forward for prayers and blessings. The Church Paybill Number is 4042525 Account

  1. CJPD would like to inform all members that there will be the final training session today after the second Mass in the Sunday school building. All new and already commissioned members from all outstations are requested to attend.
  2. The senior youth (18 – 25 years) will be having an END YEAR PARTY on 16th December here at the church. Every youth is requested to pay a small fee of 500/= to cater for food and snacks. In regards to this, there will be a meeting immediately after the second Mass at the balcony for all the senior youth.
  3. We have started registration of infant baptism. Parents who would like their children to be baptized are requested to register through their jumuiyas.
  4. On Saturday 09/12/2023 our Parish will host the SMA Foundation Day. It will bring together Christians from parishes served by SMA Fathers in Kenya. All Parishioners are invited. Thank you as you to plan to attend these important celebrations.


Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Daniel Comboni                    1st Mass: St. Jude

2nd Mass: St. Joseph the Worker                2nd Mass: St. Catherine of Siena


  1. Leo ni Jumapili ya fungu la kumi,kwa wakristo ambao wamejitayarisha na pia wale ambao wametuma fungu lao kwenye paybill ya kanisa tunawaalika wajongee mbele kwa maombi na Baraka.Tunapokuja mbele tunaombwa kuweka nia zetu pamoja na fungu la kumi tunalomtolea Mungu. Paybill ya kanisa ni 4042525 account
  2. CJPD wangependa kuwajulisha wakristo wote kwamba watakuwa na kikao cha mwisho cha mafunzo yao leo baada ya Misa hii kule kwenye jengo la Sunday school. Wanachama wote wapya na wale ambao wameidhinishwa wanaombwa kuhudhuria.
  3. Vijana wetu walio na umri wa miaka (18-25) watakuwa na END YEAR PARTY tarehe 16/12/2023 hapa kanisani. Hivyo basi vijana wote wanaombwa kujisajili kwa shilingi mia tano (500/=). Leo watakuwa na mkutano baada ya misa hii pale kwa balcony.Vijana wote wanaombwa wabaki nyuma baada ya Misa ili kuhudhuria mkutano huu.
  4. Usajili wa ubatizo wa watoto wachanga umeanza.Wazazi wote ambao wangependa watoto wao wachanga wabatizwe wanaombwa kujisajili kupitia kwa jumuia zao.
  5. Jumamosi ijayo tarehe 09/12/2023 ni SMA Foundation day ambayo itafanyika hapa parokiani.Siki hii, wakristo kutoka parokia zinazohudumiwa na SMA Fathers pamoja na seminarians,watajumuika hapa parokiani kwa Misa takatifu na sherehe maalum nchini.

Jumuiya service

Today                                                Next Sunday

1st Mass: St. Daniel Comboni                    1st Mass: St. Jude

2nd Mass: St. Joseph the Worker                2nd Mass: St. Catherine of Siena